Old School Social Networking

Remember back before we were all so connected on-line?  Before we sent so many tweets, e-mails, instant messages?  Before we updated our status on Windows Live, Facebook, and LinkedIn?  Back then, to be “social” meant actually socializing with people face-to-face.  In person.  Actually talking.

I think we’re seeing a resurgence of this old school, off-line, social interaction between people.  The more on-line technologies bring us together, the more many of us want to take the next step and actually meet some of these smart, fun, fascinating people we’ve found on places like Windows Live, Facebook, and Twitter.  It was this interest by a lot of people in our broader Windows Community that originally sparked the idea behind the local Windows 7 launch parties.

If you didn’t apply to host a launch party, or if you weren’t selected (we had way more applicants than we had capacity to support), we’ve just created another option for you.  It’s the Windows 7 Meetup site, and has everything you need to plan a gathering, invite your guest, and be a successful host.  We’re using some of the “new school, on-line” social tools like Facebook, Meetup, evite, twtvite, and Upcoming to help you with your event.

I hope you’ll use the opportunity of the Windows 7 launch to bring back some of this old school social networking!

Marcus, Windows Community Manager

Clubhouse Tags: clubhouse, story, Windows 7, meetup

9 Responses to “Old School Social Networking”

  1. Unknown Says:

    I think that many of the old school methods of social networking are being used through new school mediums such as the internet. It is a great idea that Windows put together. Thanks.

  2. X-Evolutionist Says:

    Marcus, I enjoyed the interview with you in Mynetx\’s blog:http://blog.mynetx.net/windows-live-and-you/listen-to-and-talk-with-customers-all-over-the-world-marcus-schmidt-microsoft/It was very nice to learn more about you. Also, it was nice to hear a Windows Live admin saying that Spaces deserves some improvements, even if it is not official.With all the frustration with the lack of care about Spam in Spaces (now answered! woo hoo), some of us were worried that Spaces was on the chopping block for next time.Thanks for letting us hear some of the ins and outs of you. X

  3. Jen Says:

    I went and read that one, X. Brilliant interview. "Our" Marcus gets around! I\’ve saved that site to Faves. Can it be RSS\’d?

  4. X-Evolutionist Says:

    Marcus, I was wrong when I wrote below that the Spam situation is under control. Even though I have given the spammers profile url in the report, it still gets automatically sent back for more info. Current spam reports: all ignored, below:http://cid-25a0033dd834dd1d.skydrive.live.com/view.aspx/.Public/Spammers.xls Grrr. X

  5. Greg Says:

    I love it. I got my Win 7 Party Pack this week, and I\’m excited to get my launch party going. I noticed that some folks are selling their kits on eBay for upwards of $200 (many without the signature copy of Win 7). Tell me there\’s not some serious "collector\’s item" potential there. Anyway, I know some folks probably just applied to host in order to score a free copy of Win 7, but I fully intend to use my swag at my launch party.And of course, Microsoft gets slammed for using these launch parties to promote Win 7. Because they\’re Microsoft. I can\’t help but think if Apple tried this tactic with the launch of a new iDoodad or OS, the Mac fanbois would be frothing at the mouth to host one and the critics would be announcing yet another brilliant move by Jobs & Company.Yes, the host instructional videos were a bit lame (not quite as bad as the Songsmith commercials), but I think the overall idea of creating an army of well-informed Windows evangelists is brilliant. The Win 7 team has also done a great job leveraging Twitter and Facebook. Very "viral marketing." Kudos.

  6. Greg Says:

    I added a blog post about my recent Windows 7 launch party on my Space. You\’ve got trackbacks disabled here, so here\’s a manual link http://bit.ly/3Khf1h. Please don\’t ban me for spam. 🙂 Enjoy!

  7. Curtis Says:

    All the WL, FB and MS etc social sites are nice but face to face socializing will never go away.

  8. Greg Says:

    And now I\’ve apparently added two trackbacks to your fine post, Marcus. Sorry \’bout that. If you\’re an OCD freak like I am, feel free to delete one. I\’ll try to be more better. 🙂

  9. Jen Says:

    Oh dear. Greggers "done a bungle". What are ya like, Greg!

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